Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just Another Shooting

After the recent Navy Yard shooting, gun control has come back to being a central issue. If you have not heard or read of this then see http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/17/us/shooting-reported-at-washington-navy-yard.html?pagewanted=all . It is evident that gun violence has been an ongoing problem for our country and a very controversial topic among citizens and officials. After the scarring affects of the Newton school massacre, you would think that congress would come to some sort of definite conclusion on the matter yet we see little progress. Shortly after the Newton massacre, the families involved formed the Newton Action Alliance. The alliance has been pushing for gun control ever since the shooting occurred but with things such as Syria and the floods in Colorado, it was put on the back burner. With the news of the Navy Yard shooting, the Newton School massacre is again in the top article titles. Titles such as "Navy Yard Shooting Revives Ghosts for Newton Families"are popping up everywhere. The Navy Yard shooting has revived the Newton Action Alliance and brought the attention back to this central issue. 

I find it very upsetting that the Newton school massacre wasn't enough for the country to take official action on the issue. Action should have been taken back when the shooting at Columbine occurred. It keeps going further back to more and more shootings. Yet we have not taken actions that have proved to stop these from happening again. The fact that we needed another shooting, more lives lost, to get our attention back on the issue is no. While it is understood that other issues such as Syria, and flooding came into play, gun control should've stayed as an issue of priority. The question that comes into play is how many times must a mistake be made, until we truly learn from it? I don't believe that we have learned what we needed to from prior shootings because if we had, wouldn't something have been done? I think that we need to take additional action because clearly, the laws that are currently in place have not been satisfactory. Will it take yet another shooting for the right precautions to be taken?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely agree. It is shocking that even after Newtown, nothing has really been done to stop these shootings. It's very sad to hear about these tragic events, and hopefully we as America can act quickly so we don't have to hear about these shootings ever again.